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Frequently Asked Questions

What shipping methods are available?

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How Long Will it Take To Get My Package?

On average, you will need to wait 2-10 days to allow for shipping and transport.

IMPORTANT: The timeliness of service to destinations outside the contiguous states may be affected by the limited availability of transportation. Due to the variability of transportation packages may take up to two weeks to reach.

How do I track my order?

To track your order please click on Track your Order , enter your Order ID in the box and press the “Track” button. This was given to you on your receipt and in the confirmation email you should have received. You can also Whatsapp on +91 9099092888 to check status of your order.

Do I need an account to place an order?

Having an account is not essential as you can select Checkout as Guest to complete an order without logging in. Any orders placed as a guest require you to manually enter your address and will not be saved for future reference.

Installation, Service & Maintenance

Who installs your equipment?

Ken’s Gym Solutions stands behind our products. We strive to provide quality products, exceptional customer service, and a warranty that protects your investment in the event your product should encounter specific issues.

To ensure you receive the quality service you deserve, we select  Authorized Installers and Servicers whom we believe share our vision of quality and service.

Ken’s Gym Solutions provides the training to its Authorized Dealers, Installers and Servicers for proper installation and maintenance. We expect our installers to provide pre-delivery and post-delivery service and to maintain trained service personnel.

Do I need to perform any preventative maintenance on my fitness equipment?

As explained in your Owner’s Manual, basic preventative maintenance will promote years of trouble-free use of your fitness equipment. Some of the basic procedures that should be performed are:

Treadmills: After each usage, clean the display with a damp cloth. Carefully vacuum under the hood (front cover) at least once a month.

Ellipticals: After each usage, clean the display with a damp cloth. Every couple of weeks, clean the wheels and ramp with water or a diluted all-purpose cleaner. On a quarterly basis, perform a complete cleaning under the front and rear covers.

What can I use to clean my fitness equipment?

The cleaner recommended for use on all fitness equipment is Simple plain wet wipes. Do not spray directly on the equipment. Spray the water on a clean lint-free, cloth before applying to the equipment.


Why do international prices differ from U.S. prices?

International prices differ from U.S. prices due to shipping fees, import duties, currency fluctuations, and other issues associated with international trade.


How are calories calculated on fitness equipment?

Fitness equipment calculate caloric consumption from a proprietary algorithm based on an average profile developed in conjunction with the American College of Sports Medicine.

A number of variables determine the formula, including weight, speed, incline setting and torque. Since people burn calories at different rates, it is impossible to create absolutely accurate calorie burn rates without using sophisticated and sensitive monitoring equipment.

Therefore, the calorie burn rate shown on the console fits an average profile. The actual accuracy of the results depends on how close you are to the average profile. These results should be used as a benchmark and not as an absolute measurement.

What is a MET?

A MET is a measurement of oxygen consumption. One MET equals the approximate amount of oxygen consumed per minute by a person at rest. An individual exercising at two METs is consuming oxygen at twice his or her resting rate.

What are the differences between commercial and home equipment?

The primary difference between home and commercial equipment is the engineering and construction to ensure reliability and performance under different use conditions.

Our commercial equipments from best brands of fitness industry are designed to withstand near constant use in facilities, while home equipment is built to withstand use in a home setting.

Home equipment also features more user amenities and individual-based programming such as User IDs, workout logs and safety features. Home equipment is also generally smaller and weighs less than commercial equipment.

Is the static electricity harmful?

Though it can be annoying, the static generated by exercising on your Precor equipment is not dangerous.

Occasionally, I get a shock when I touch the handlebar of my treadmill. Is there anything that I can do about it?

The treadmill belt sliding over the deck surface can, in certain environments, generate a potential of static electricity. In general, this static potential is discharged through the treadmill’s frame grounding.

However, in particularly cold, dry environments, residual static potential may remain. This behavior is most evident in the winter, particularly in colder areas. The most effective solution is to raise the relative humidity in the area of the treadmill with a humidifier.

If you continue to experience static shocks, it’s possible that the belt is being insulated from the frame. In cases of continued static shock, we recommend that you call the Authorized Service Technician examine your treadmill, or call  our Technical Support at +91 909-909-2888

I want to buy an elliptical for my home. How tall does my ceiling need to be to use an elliptical?

Add a minimum of 20 inches (51 cm) onto your own height to provide proper ceiling clearance. Additional equipment dimensions are available under specifications on the Home and Commercial product pages of

How do you determine your e-commerce delivery and installation?

Our delivery and installation costs are calculated for shipping our product to your door step. Once your product is ready to get dispatched our authorized sales person will contact you for professional delivery and installation.

They will set up an appointment to you to deliver the product, bring it into your desired room, assemble it and remove the debris. The delivery and installation cost includes both of these services.

Why is my telemetry (wireless) heart rate reading erratic or non-existent?

The telemetry (wireless) heart rate system depends on a strong, clear signal being presented from the chest strap transmitter to the receiver inside the equipment console. In order to present a clear signal, you should correctly position the chest strap snugly against your body. (See your Owner’s Manual for additional details).

Moist skin helps the transmitter strap make good contact, so perspiration or even dabbing a bit of water onto your skin may help.

When you first begin using the heart rate strap, lean in close to the equipment console for a few seconds to allow the receiver to pick up the signal. Once the console has a lock on the signal, you can step back to a normal exercise position and begin your workout.

If the equipment has touch heart rate grips, you should not touch them while using the chest strap, as this will override the telemetry heart rate system. If the chest strap is several years old, it is possible that the battery in the strap has lost its charge.

If this is the case, contact our authorized service person for assistance, or contact Customer Support at +91 909-909-2888

Finally, wireless heart rate signals are susceptible to outside interference from other signals present in the area. Likely items that may cause such interference include wireless internet devices, cell phones or cell phone towers, and wireless dog fences.

Why is my touch heart rate reading erratic or non-existent?

Touch heart rate readings depend on a strong, clear pulse to be read from your hands. In order to generate a clear signal, gently grasp the sensors. Do not tightly squeeze the touch sensors, as this can negatively affect the pulse in your hands, and make it more difficult to get an accurate reading.Use of the touch heart rate sensors while exercising is not recommended for reasons of safety and accuracy.

The sensors can provide better readings if your hands are warm and moist. If you have difficulty getting a reading right away, try again after a few minutes of exercising. Typically exercise will cause most people’s hands to become warm and moist.

The touch heart rate feature may not be accurate for every user or at every speed. Touch heart rate may also be affected by an individual’s unique physiology. For example, some individuals have a stronger pulse in their hands compared to others. Individual results may vary. Touch heart rate readings are intended for reference only, and the touch heart rate feature is not a medical device. Proper use of a chest strap may help to improve accuracy.

Can our equipment be used outside or in a garage?

Fitness indoor equipments are manufactured for use in “normal” indoor controlled environment conditions. Therefore, most of the reputed  fitness brands does not manufacture any exercise equipment that is intended for use outdoors or in an uncontrolled environment, such as a garage, enclosed porch or unfinished basement.

My feet occasionally become numb while using the elliptical cross-trainer. Is this harmful?

Forefoot numbness while exercising is annoying but not harmful. In fact, you can probably alleviate or even eliminate the symptoms by positioning your feet flat on the pedals, as opposed to lifting your heel with each stride. This can also occur when using a treadmill. If you have any concerns, you may want to consult your physician.


What is the different between buying from kensgymsolutions, a store or

Ken’s Gym Solutions sells equipment in a network of Authorized Dealer retail stores, on and on

The highest level of personalized service will come from one of our retail outlet. Our sales staff is highly trained to help you select the right fitness equipment that will best meet your fitness goals.

We also provide delivery and installation, post-purchase service, and may have financing options available.

When you purchase from, professional delivery and installation is included. We sell to the contiguous Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajashthan & Goa on

When you purchase from, standard delivery is curbside. You must receive and assemble the equipment yourself. However, there is an option to call Ken’s Gym Solutions to be put in touch with one of our Authorized Installers who you will pay directly for installation.

We highly recommend professional installation.”

Who do I contact if I have questions with the order process?

Please contact our Customer Support at +91 909-909-2888

Do you offer financing options?

Currently, Ken’s Gym Solutions does not have a financing program for home purchasers. However, financial institutions like Bajaj Finserv may have a financing program in place, if your purchase qualify.

The programs differ by financial institutions , so please contact them directly to inquire.